Year of the Skater


2011 was a great year for Skating and now that we are going into (or are now into 2012), with the build up, reactions and excitement that 2011 brought, 2012 is only going to be much better! In short, we … Continue reading

We Don’t LOOT, We SKATE!!!


This gallery contains 1 photo.

The two guys behind Games On Skates otherwise known as ‘E-Favo’ have been very busy. Not only are they promoting a ‘non-skating’ even called ‘Show Off’ for anyone who would like to show off any other creative skills other than … Continue reading

The Pre-Carnival Skate 2011


Wheels in Motion is a Mid-Week skating night for all non-skaters and pro skaters alike, but TONIGHT, will be the Wheels In Motion Rep Your Country Carnival Special at Vauxhall’s Renaissance Rooms!!!! You are expected to see ALL the New … Continue reading

SSE Street Skate

A message to all street skaters, pro skaters and non-pro’s alike from Supreme Skaters Elite.

This sunday SSE will be holding a street skate from Vauxhall and through Central London. This one in particular will be filmed as part of a new viral advertising campaign being pitched to Adidas.

You will be required to wear as much of ur own Adidas gear as this is for complete branding. We will be orchestrating various events throughout such as jumps, slides, freestyles etc.

This is the chance for us (skaters) to take the stage once again, this is going to be another one of those crazy SSE nights where we take over the streets of London.

For more info, please hit me (Kae) or Smerff or call the guestlist number for Wheels in Motion.

A word from The Rollerz.
Remember, Guestlist for Wheel in Motion on Thursday shuts at 6pm.

S.S.E Guestlist details
t: Kae: 07960 083 546 / Smerff: 07958 332 943
twit: SupremeSkatersElit


Another place to be for a lot of fun and games is E-Favo’s Games on Skates.

Whether you are a complete expert or a total novice, G.O.S is the place to be for Fun & Games on skates. A lot of the Games On Skates action, entry details and shenanigan’s can be caught on their website:
However, if you are not sure what to expect, then how about I run it through for you.

One big hall split into TWO Skating arena’s. Skating, Jam Skating, Speed Skating, Competitions, Games (Bulldog, Tag, Tug-of-War, Ladies Tag and much more), Video’s & Pictures, Prizes, Refreshments, Music & Birthday Parties as well as Skate hire, Skate Instructor, Lockers and Cloakroom.

Be sure to get there early so you aren’t missing out on all the games, competitions and prizes.

You can book birthdays in which you will get special birthday treatment brought to you by resident the skaters Y?SS? (Y? So Serious?) ladies.

In addition, it’s a Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes movement tonight as KIG will be there performing his hit, Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes.

22 Elephant & Castle (Opposite E&C Shopping Centre)

Time: 9:30pm – 2am

Price: £8.00 (with skates) (before 11pm)/£10.00(after) /£2 Skate Hire


A Few Days Left Until The Heatwave!

Hey Everyone.

With only a few days left, Rollerheat is almost here. An event in which if you missed out on it the first time around and you haven’t got your tickets this time around, you are going to be very gutted. It’s going to be MASSIVE….and I’m not talking about the skating arena.

There are all types of skaters interested in going from, Supreme Skaters Elite, Games On Skates, Family of Rollerz, Skate Lisa, Tayaran ‘Legend’ Robinson, Y? So Serious?, High Rollas and many many others. With only a few days left, the event is ESSENTIALLY SOLD OUT!!! So for those of you who are leaving it to the very last minute, then it is possible to still go only if you call the number on the flyer provided AND only if people have dropped out. There is a reserved waiting list for such a situation, so I’d get on top of that ASAP, if I were you.

As well as only having a few days to sort yourself out with attending Roller Heat, The Rollerz with also be selling On The Day or if you pre-order, SK8 LDN T-shirts so you can represent where you are coming from when you go down to Derby.

There will be limited sizes and colours, Black & White T-Shirts with different colour bars. To ensure you get the Colours you want, pre-order through ‘The Rollerz’ on Facebook or PING us with your details.

BB: Reno: 239F366F
BB: Baz: 22BD3EEB

Click on the link for more details via Facebook.

In case some of you might have missed it, there is a Rollerheat Ad detailing everything that is going on.